Helping Develop Local Economies and Ecotourism in Armenia

This project started on October 26, 2015
and completed on -
This project started on October 26, 2015
and completed on -
$ 27,206
100 %
HIKEArmenia is an ongoing project which is working towards boosting the tourism industry in Armenia by making the beautiful hiking trails that exist all over the country more accessible to tourists.
In 2015, the 1A community donated $25,527 to help fund the creation of an app which would make hiking easier for everyone. The app details specific trails including their GPS coordinates, what hikers can expect to see, other users’ comments and recommendations. In addition to the trails themselves, the app connects tourists with local guides (if they do not wish to hike alone) as well as local accommodation (to help stimulate the local economies).
After the initial success of HIKEArmenia, the Hovnanian Foundation approached ONEArmenia to take on the responsibility of accelerating the investment into the HIKEArmenia program so as to scale the program more quickly and enhance its impact. In February of 2017 the Hovnanian Foundation executed an agreement with ONEArmenia to take the HIKEArmenia program to the next level and will be working with ONEArmenia and other organizations already engaged in hiking, adventure travel and ecotourism in Armenia so that together they can bring the infrastructure throughout all of Armenia up to world-class standards to ensure sustainable ecotourism and rural economic development in Armenia.