Tools For Independent Monitoring Of Mining Pollution
Supporting Research on the Environmental Impact of Mining in Armenia

This project started on Oct 03, 2014
and completed on Nov 14, 2014
This project started on Oct 03, 2014
and completed on Nov 14, 2014
$ 31,444
107 %
Several mines in Armenia deposit heavy-metal pollutants into the environment affecting the land, water, and air in nearby communities. Poor monitoring and enforcement of regulations leaves these communities exposed to toxic pollution.
Let’s Protect Armenia from Toxic Pollution raised the funds necessary to provide the American University of Armenia’s Center for Responsible Mining with the laboratory equipment needed to survey the impact of mining on 40 communities.
This independent monitoring is important because it will inform the communities of the dangers that exist as a result of the mining and will empower them to take steps toward preserving the health of their communities.