Employing Artsakhtsi Women
With Sose’s Women NGO

This project started on December 25, 2020
and completed on June 01, 2021
This project started on December 25, 2020
and completed on June 01, 2021
$ 50,070
100 %
When the second war in Artsakh began on September 27, 2020, women, children and the elderly were almost immediately evacuated to Armenia due to the severity of the attack launched by Azerbaijan. Towns in Armenia on the border with Artsakh became ground zero for the ensuing refugee crisis. Today, there are an estimated 40,000 Artsakhtsis who have lost their homes in the outcome of the war.
We’re fundraising so that Sose’s Women NGO can support 388 displaced people currently living in and around Goris for 6 months. Sose’s Women’s mission is to amplify and strengthen the role of women in public and political life, specifically in Armenia’s southern Syunik Province. According to their needs assessment, the most immediate needs of displaced people are bedding and linen, as well as hygiene products; shelter and nutrition has already been secured through other aid programs. Most of these products will be made in Armenia so that money donated to this project is injected into the local economy.
To get Artsakhtsis back on their feet and ensure that they are able to support themselves in Armenia, rather than seeking employment opportunities abroad, Sose’s will also offer sewing training to displaced women. Their work will be sold in the local market and the women will have an income for them and their families, so that they are not dependent on humanitarian aid programs for their basic needs in the long term.
Procurement and distribution of bedding and linen will take around 2 months, while hygiene packages will be distributed from Sose’s office in Goris to keep transportation and admin costs low. Sewing training courses will last for 6 months in parallel to the distribution of hygiene products.