Help Wounded Soldiers
Provide quality rehabilitation

This project started on December 17, 2020
and completed on -
This project started on December 17, 2020
and completed on -
$ 200,000
100 %
Before the second Artsakh war began on September 27, 2020, there were an estimated 9,000 disabled veterans in Armenia from previous wars, including the first Artsakh war (1988-1994). That number has sharply increased. According to unofficial data, there are about 8,000 injured soldiers from this year’s war.
To meet the needs of soldiers injured during this year’s war and ensure that they receive the quality care they deserve, we're fundraising $189,360.00 for the Homeland Defender’s Rehabilitation Center so that they can furnish and equip a new, 4-floor wing of their center that is currently being remodeled. The center will be able to support an additional 300 veterans per month, all free of charge, with this equipment.
Furniture and equipment being purchased with funding from this campaign will go to doctors’ rooms and reception areas, an acupuncture room, physiotherapy room, an occupational therapy hall, speech therapy room, ultrasound room, electroshock therapy room, massage room, nurses’ quarters, sterilization and bandaging room, laboratory, two gyms and a kitchen.
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